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Balance, Posture and Strengthening Class on Thursday at 3:00 PM
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About this event
Balance, Posture and Strengthening Class
Sponsored by the Health & Well-Being Committee
Thursday, September 12
at 3:00 PM
at the
Len Green Recreation and Athletics Complex
Babson College
(see below for address and parking*)
The Health Support and Well-Being Committee is pleased to announce that Jennifer Cooper, by popular request, has agreed to present a series of seven, twice-a-month, in-person demonstration classes at Babson starting in September 2024.The classes will meet from 3:00-3:45 PM on September 12, October 10 and 17, November 7 and 21, and December 5 and 19.The first meeting will on September 12th.
Jennifer will focus on balance, posture, and strengthening exercises. Participants can register for each session individually and the fee for each class is $10, payable at each session. Participants should wear loose, comfortable clothing, and are encouraged to arrive by 2:50PM so the fee can be collected, the room set up, and the session started on time. Parking is available behind the Len Green Recreation Center where the event is being held (#48 on the Babson Parking Map).
Please let us know if you need a ride or can provide a ride when you register.
To register click REGISTER above,
OR email events@wellesleyneighbors.org,
OR call 781-283-0417, ext. 2.
*The class will be held in theCenter at
3 College Drive on the Babson College Campus
Wellesley, MA 02481
Enter the Babson College campus via the main entrance on Forest St, bear right onto College Drive. At the end of College Drive, the athletic center will be on your left. Turn left at the end of the road and go to the parking lot behind the building.
Click here for maps of the campus.
Health Committee Programs
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