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Natick Historical Society on Thursday at 11 AM.
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About this event
Join us to visit the
Natick Historical Society
Natick, MA
Thursday, August 29th at 11 AM*
The Natick Historical Society was founded in 1870 by, among others, William Edwards, a clothier and amateur collector of natural specimens, and Horatio Alger, Sr., a minister at The Eliot Church and a scholar of culture and genealogy. The founders merged their interests in science and history to create a "cabinet of curiosity" housed in the rooms above the William Edwards store in South Natick and called it "The Historical, Natural History and Library Society of South Natick.” By 1873, the Society had accumulated additional artifacts especially relating to natural history specimens. To accommodate them, it moved to the basement of the Natick Bacon Free Library, recently featured in Maureen's Cocktail Hour. That building stands on part of a burial ground for Algonquian-speaking people who settled in Natick as far back as 1651. Today the collection consists of an extensive group of artifacts, documents, and photographs that tell the intriguing story of Natick's past: antique clothing, furniture, and household items as well as documents and photographs that chronicle the town's history. We hope you will join us to enjoy this docent-led tour of history right on our doorstep.
*Please note that the Historical Society is on the lower level of the Bacon Free Library, which is accessible only by stairs. There is no elevator.
CLICK HERE to register for lunch following the visit at Eli's in Natick.
Entrance Fee: $10 payable and sent to:
Maureen Donlon
4 Seaver Street
Wellesley, MA 02481
Let us know if you need a ride and
if you want to stay for lunch.
To sign up for this event:
Click Register (above right) OR
Email welleseyneighbors.org OR
Call 781-283-0417, Ext. 2
Event Contact(s)
Maureen A Donlon
Registration Info
Registration is required
Cancellation Policy:
Please note that you may be responsible for the $10 fee if you cancel after 12 PM on August 27.
18 Total Slots
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