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TCAN sceening of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" (1923) on Sunday at 4 PM
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About this event
Join us at the TCAN Cinema in Natick
to celebrate the centennial of
Sunday, October 1st at 4 PM
It's the 100th anniversary of this classic silent film starring Lon Chaney. Set in 15th-century Paris, the plot includes skullduggery among evil men to foster a peasant revolt and a love interest between the Hunchback and a gypsy dancer (female--this is 1923). Music on the recorder by Jeff Rapsis.
Optional dinner at Agostino's after the film. Click below or on the home page to register.
When registering, please answer the question about
Pay Fred Breimyer by check or cash in the lobby on arrival.
(If you register for this event but choose not to attend,
please remember to make arrangements to pay Fred
for the ticket he will have purchased for you.)
To register for the film:
Click on Register (above, right) OR
e-mail: events@wellesleyneighbors.org OR
phone: 781-283-0417, Opt. 2
Click below to register for dinner following the film
Click Here to Register for Dinner
Frederick Breimyer
Registration Info
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