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TCAN Theatre silent film, "The Ten Commandments," on Sunday at 4 PM
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About this event
Join us at the TCAN Cinema in Natick
to celebrate the centennial of
Cecil B. Demille's silent movie
Sunday, April 2nd at 4 PM
Celebrate the 100th anniversary of Cecil B. Demill’s tour de force, box-office hit "The Ten Commandments," this time enhanced with live musical accompaniment by Jeff Rapsis. Reacquaint yourself with this visual extravaganza in Technicolor with epic scenes like the parting of the Red Sea (no small feat on the silver screen in 1923). The film has two parts, a prologue recreating the biblical story of the Exodus followed by a modern story concerning two brothers and their respective views of the Ten Commandments. The film is timely, coming as it does during Passover and just before Easter. Along with the biblical and family focus, it also examines the role of religion in people's lives.
Optional dinner at Agostino's after the film.
When registering, please answer the questions regarding
transportation and dinner following the film
Pay Fred Breimyer by check or cash in the lobby on arrival.
(If you register for this event but choose not to attend,
please remember to make arrangements to pay Fred
for the ticket he will have purchased for you.)
To register for the film:
Click on Register (above, right) OR
e-mail: events@wellesleyneighbors.org OR
phone: 781-283-0417, Opt. 2
Catherine Connor
Registration Info
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